Friday, October 31, 2014

Back on the proverbial steed!

Long time no see!

It has been a busy year for the Soma team. After a brief lull whilst we worked way too much and tried to squeeze in some sleep here and there, we are happy to announce that Soma is still very much alive and that the first issue is nearing completion!

Keep your eyes peeled for exciting news coming soon(ish)!

Eye Candy!

Meet our heroes: Matt & Ben

Matt is an unusual name for a 15 year old girl, but get to know her and you will find that there is more to this little tinker than meets the eye! Accompanied by Ben, her gentle-giant companion, this durable duo invite you on a journey of trial and terror!

Matt, Ben. Ben, Matt.

Another great sketch by Harri for you to marinade your eyes in!

When a hardy, 48 year old federal agent with breasts introduces himself to a 6 foot 5", 380 lb child named Ben, it is not without complications!